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Hey there!!

Erica here.


I've always been interested in photography, but felt it was something just beyond my reach of capability. 


Also, I have been headstrong in a science career for over 15 years. 


One day, at a friend's wedding, I met an insanely successful wedding photographer that had a career change at 38. From software engineer to photographer extraordinaire.


I was bowled over and asked to keep in touch. He encouraged me since that day, saying that he could tell I had what it took to be behind the lens. I never felt that confident, but I have never had so much enjoyment from learning the amazing world of photography. 


I believe that everyone should have access to forming the photos they want of themselves and those around them, and have their days or events captured in a way that brings those memories back with the right emotions. 


Camera up. Let's go!

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